How? Well, you just will not be spending money needlessly on food all of the time. You can forget about breakfast and morning tea for a start. Your first meal will be at or after 1pm, and for me, that may be as simple as 70 grams of almonds – which costs $2, if you buy in bulk and roast them yourself (which I do).

Your main meal is then a cooked affair, unless you decide to go out for your evening meal. Cooking in bulk like this saves a lot of money, and it massively adds up over the months to a huge saving. In my house, we have saved around $7,000 per year on food alone with intermittent fasting, compared to how we were eating before.

Also, as will be discussed elsewhere on our website, the cult of bodybuilding and the sheer nonsense which has been transmitted about protein, has caused billions of dollars of over-consumed protein to be needlessly (literally) dumped into the toilet.

Protein is an expensive macronutrient – ask anyone who buys quality meat and seafood, that stuff costs real money. For at least a generation, people have been told to eat 2 grams per kg of their body weight in protein – this is unnecessary from a nutrition perspective (because the body of a normal person (who is not an Olympic athlete in training) cannot utilise this amount of daily protein), and it is damned expensive from a household economy perspective.

You do not need more than 1 gram of protein per kg of your body weight. If you weight 90 kg, eat 90 grams of protein per day, and you will be just fine.

If you believe the 2gm/kg (and higher) mythology, and you weigh 90 kg, you will be hunting to eat 180 grams of protein daily. We state that this is excessive by 90 grams per day.

Putting aside what that means from a negative health point of view (which is considerable in itself), and concentrating on the costs – a good source of protein is red meat. You get around 30 grams of protein from 100 grams of cooked red meat.

So, in effect, the bodybuilding bozos are telling a 90kg male to eat three 100 gram steaks more than they nutritionally require, every single day. Have you ever stopped to calculate what that means in monetary terms?

A good cut of meat costs $42 per kilo. So, one-third of a kilo (300 grams) costs around $14. That is $14 wasted, every single day! That translates to $100 per week, or $5200 per year, in just unnecessary protein consumption.

Keep to our recommended methods, and you will definitely save money, and at the same time you will receive an increasing dividend of good health, aesthetic looks, and great mental wellbeing – that is a great investment!